Saturday, June 7, 2014

That's a wrap!

Binoculars Update #3

We're officially done shooting! And recording! And I'm so excited to get this movie finished but I'm so sad to no longer have an excuse to make some amazing people hang out with me!

Thanks to the ingenuity of my production team, the helpfulness of my tech team, and the enthusiasm of my cast, I'm so much closer to completing this dream of mine. I hope this isn't really goodbye for most of you, but I want everyone to know how very grateful I am for each and every minute you helped.

Now that the sappy stuff is out of the way, timeline talk! I'm hoping to finish post-production this summer (in between shifts at Disneyland, so don't forget to come visit me) and get the sound/color/vfx all perfect(ish) by September. Then  I'm having a fancy pants premiere with the LAES department in the first couple weeks of Fall quarter. Film festival submission, then, of course, crazy accolades to follow. :P

More updates to come!


  1. Congratulations Kamryn and Crews

  2. Yay how exciting! I can't wait for the premiere! Let's see, which gown should I wear...
