Sunday, April 27, 2014

Wind, Frats, and Everything Sucky

Binoculars Update #2

Not that it's a secret to any filmmakers out there, but there are a lot of things going wrong during a shoot. Note that I do not say, "things that could go wrong" but things that are at all times going wrong.

Like the wind storm featured above making all the audio from scene 4.... interesting.

So far we've used quite a bit of flexibility and ingenuity to compensate for screaming fraternities and visiting parents to get through 3 days of shooting. 2 scenes to go! (Which is crazy ahead of schedule, knock on wood it stays that way.)

HUGE thanks to all tech and extras that have come out to help! Also to my amazing actors who have dedicated so much time to help me with my dream.

Scene 1 scheduled for next weekend, let's hope we can keep up the productivity!

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Binoculars is Underway!

Hi Everyone,

Here's is where I'll be posting the nitty gritty details of this project throughout production and post!

Stay tuned!